Bilderberg Conference 2020 cancelled!

For the second time in the history of the Bilderberg conferences, this year’s meeting has been cancelled (‘postponed’ is the official word used by the organizers).

Last time this happened was in 1976 when the Bilderberg Group was under heavy pressure from other transnational elites – especially those related to the Habsburg dynasty – to allow them to participate in the decisions being made on how to rule the world.

It is no coincidence that history repeats itself as the Bilderberg Group is currently under heavy pressure from national and transnational elites whose interested were disregarded by this organizers of these gathering in the last decades and centuries.

Recent examples are the resignation of Stanley Fischer from the Federal Reserve, the merger of the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve, cutting US funding for the WHO or Robert Kennedy jr. publicly denouncing Bill Gates, WHO, UNICEF and similar organizations of committing crimes against humanity.

Stay tuned as the global civil war goes into the next round !
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